Regular teeth cleanings are cornerstones of oral health. Most patients over the age of one should visit the dentist for a cleaning every six months, though dentists may set individual schedules depending on their oral …
How Long Does A Teeth Cleaning Take?
In order to maintain proper dental hygiene, it is highly recommended you visit your dentist and get a general oral examination at least once every six months. During this visit, your dentist will check your …
How Often Should You Get Your Teeth Cleaned?
Brush, floss, rinse. You’ve got the basics covered and you make sure to follow this routine daily, so you’re covered when it comes to keeping your teeth clean, right? Not so fast. Excellent oral hygiene …
How Much Does A Tooth Extraction Cost in Ohio?
When a tooth extraction is necessary for your oral health, you might be considering the cost here in Ohio. Tooth extraction is the removal of a tooth from its socket. While it sounds stressful, it’s …
What Is A Tooth Filling?
From the time kids are old enough to understand their trips to the dentist, they long to hear the phrase, no cavities. Adults are elated with the same. Though, according to the National Institute of …
How Much Does A Teeth Cleaning Cost in Ohio?
Even if you have a great oral hygiene routine at home, it is just not enough. Getting your teeth professionally cleaned regularly is important to maintain your oral health – and your overall well being. …
When Should a Tooth Cavity Be Filled?
When should a cavity be filled? It’s a simple question, but the answer is a little more complex than you might think. Cavities mean tooth decay, which is caused by bacteria from the plaque on …
How Long Do Tooth Fillings Last?
Tooth fillings, also known as dental fillings, are one of the oldest forms of restorative dentistry. Indeed, fillings have been performed for at least 150 years in America. Today, dentists perform hundreds of millions of …
How to Find a Qualified Dentist in Your Area
If you’re looking for a dentist in Chagrin Falls or the surrounding area, we hope you’ll consider our practice. That said, sometimes factors like office hours or dental insurance can complicate the process of finding …