Emergency Dentist in Chagrin Falls

Chagrin Falls Dental provides emergency dental services in Chagrin Falls, OH. Call 440-247-8641 to learn more and schedule your appointment.
We know that when you experience a dental emergency, you don’t want to wait days to get the treatment you need. That’s why when you call us during our regular office hours, we’ll give immediate attention to your situation and make arrangements to see you as soon as we can.
If you’re dealing with a dental emergency outside of our regular office hours, give us a call and follow the instructions provided. One of our dentists will return your call as soon as possible. In case of a serious or life threatening emergency, call 911 or visit your local emergency room for treatment.
Below, you’ll find instructions for how to handle some of the most common dental emergencies:
Sometimes a sudden, severe toothache is caused by having food stuck between two teeth or lodged in the tissue around a tooth. To check for this, rinse your mouth with warm water, then gently floss around the affected tooth. If the pain continues or you notice the tissue surrounding the tooth is warm, call our office to schedule an appointment. If you are uncertain it is always best practice to have the area evaluated by our dentist.
Cuts to the Lip, Gum, Cheek, or Tongue
First, it’s important to understand that cuts to the soft tissue in the mouth can cause a great deal of bleeding, so don’t panic. Use a clean cloth or sterile gauze to apply pressure to the wound and stop the bleeding. Once the bleeding is under control, use an ice pack to reduce swelling and pain. If you cannot control the bleeding, call your physician or go to the emergency room for treatment.
Knocked Out Baby Tooth
Knocked out baby teeth cannot be put back in, but we will want to see your child at our office to make sure there’s no soft tissue damage and to determine whether a space maintainer is needed. Call our office to schedule an appointment.
Knocked Out Permanent Tooth
By taking swift action, there’s a good chance that a knocked out permanent tooth can be successfully replaced. Never touch the root of the tooth; instead, hold it by the crown. Gently rinse it with water or milk to remove any debris, then place it back into the tooth socket if you’re able to. Bite down on a clean piece of gauze to hold the tooth in place. If you can’t put the tooth back into the socket, place it in a small container of milk or saliva. Call our office to schedule an emergency appointment.
Chipped or Broken Tooth
If you can find the piece of tooth that broke off, place it in a cup of milk; we may be able to bond it back into place. Rinse your mouth with warm water and use a cold compress to reduce any swelling. Call our office to make an appointment.
Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Emergencies
What is considered a dental emergency?
We consider it a dental emergency if you’re in unbearable pain, have uncontrolled bleeding, or need urgent attention in order to save a tooth.
Can you go to the ER for a dental emergency?
Yes, you can certainly go to the ER for a dental emergency, but it’s not ideal. Emergency rooms don’t have dentists on staff. They can help you manage your pain and prescribe antibiotics in the case of infection, but they can’t resolve the underlying problem, so you’ll still need to come to our office to get the dental care you need.
Is a toothache an emergency?
A severe toothache can be a dental emergency, as it may be a sign of a serious infection. If your tooth pain is constant, throbbing, and makes it difficult to eat, sleep, and go about your daily activities, we’d consider it an emergency that requires urgent treatment.
What helps unbearable tooth pain?
If your tooth pain is unbearable, it’s very unlikely that it will resolve without dental treatment, so the first step you should make is to call our office to set up an appointment. After you’ve done this, rinse with warm salt water, take over-the-counter pain medication (don’t use aspirin, because it can cause prolonged bleeding if you need an extraction), and use an ice pack to reduce swelling.
How do you avoid dental emergencies?
While many dental emergencies are unfortunate accidents that are difficult to avoid, keeping your teeth and gums healthy goes a long way towards prevention. If you’re involved in sports, use a custom mouthguard to protect your teeth and jaw from injury.