Dental Fillings in Chagrin Falls, OH

Chagrin Falls Dental provides Dental Fillings in Chagrin Falls, OH. Call 440-247-8641 to learn more and schedule your appointment.
When found before any significant decay appears, a tooth with a cavity can be easily restored with just a filling.
But that fast treatment is essential because once a tooth has a cavity, the decay continues to spread unless the decayed area is removed and the tooth properly restored. Identifying and addressing cavities early is important to prevent more complex and costly restorative dental procedures such as crowns, bridges, root canals, or dental implants.
How Do You Know You Have a Cavity?
Most cavities appear first as a small white or brown spot on your tooth’s surface. Some can also be painful if they have attacked your tooth nerve or root. To diagnose cavities, at Chagrin Falls Dental, we’ll simply take a look at your teeth, or look for any cavities that are hard to see, like those between or beneath teeth, fillings, or crowns by using x-rays.
What Causes Cavities?
Cavities are caused by plaque build-up, poor oral hygiene, and too much sugar. All of these can cause an accumulation of bacteria that break down food particles and the sugar in them, causing an acid to form on your teeth’s surface. If teeth aren’t cleaned or treated, then the acid attacks the enamel coating the teeth and slowly causes destructive decay.
Kids can be especially sensitive to tooth decay because their baby teeth’ enamel is more susceptible than the enamel of permanent teeth.
When to Fill a Cavity
When white or brown spots first appear on teeth indicating the early stages of decay, brushing your teeth regularly using a fluoride treatment and receiving a fluoride treatment from your dentist might be enough to put a stop to that cavity.
But, once a hole appears in your tooth from decay, that’s when you need a filling. We’ll remove all decayed material and fill the hole in your tooth using synthetic resin.
Don’t wait – once a cavity occurs, decay continues to spread until it’s removed and your tooth is restored. And untreated cavities lead to larger restoration, whether it’s a crown, an extraction, or a root canal.
What Kind of Fillings Are Available?
While metal or amalgam fillings used to be the most common, today, tooth-colored composite fillings are what we most recommend. The unobtrusive material:
- Blends in with your own teeth
- Isn’t sensitive to heat or cold
- Contains no mercury, unlike amalgam fillings
Many of our patients choose to have any older amalgam fillings replaced with tooth-colored fillings.
Preventing Cavities
To prevent any cavities and any dental discomfort or damage, twice-daily brushing and flossing are vital. It’s also important to schedule regular dental exams and professional cleaning every six months from your dental team at Chagrin Falls Dental, so we can identify any cavities or cavity risks early, and address them quickly.
For an exam or for a filling, reach out to us today!